Scope eps135: Is social media skewed in favour of Hong Kong protests & against China?

Discussing the suspension of pro-China content pertaining to Hong Kong protest on US social media platforms Facebook, Twitter and YouTube on the Scope with Waqar Rizvi and Moundhir Sajjad Bechari. Are these platforms combating misinformation or are they becoming a model for US diplomacy in an internet age? (YouTube)

China’s Engagement with Africa

Following its successful economic development and poverty reduction at home, China is exporting its model to Africa. Chinese investment in Africa grew from two projects in 2000 to hundreds annually through the OBOR initiative, with funding from the Silk Road Fund, New Development Bank (NDB), and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). “China has achieved … More China’s Engagement with Africa

Trump’s Trade-War with China and Fears in the Aluminium Industry

The US president, Donald Trump has that he has “tremendous respect” for Chinese President Xi Jinping “But we have a trade deficit … it is the largest trade deficit of any country in the history of the world.” Trump’s approach of ‘American First’ goes against the current trend of globalisation, simplifies trade relations into a … More Trump’s Trade-War with China and Fears in the Aluminium Industry

China’s State Council Announces Major Reform

China’s national legislature on March 17 adopted a massive cabinet restructuring plan to make the government better-structured, more efficient, and service-oriented. China’s national legislature on March 17 adopted a massive cabinet restructuring plan to make the government better-structured, more efficient, and service-oriented. The plan was passed at a plenary meeting of the ongoing First Session … More China’s State Council Announces Major Reform